Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Medium is the Message

What a deep concept?! We almost took a whole class discussion trying to figure out the phrase "The Medium is the Message is the Medium," and my brain was about ready to explode. OK, well...not really. We only spent about ten minutes talking about it in class, but we were only in class for 15 or 20 minutes, so it could be kind of true. And the human brain has never exploded from thinking too hard by my knowledge, but I don't know everything. 

To me the phrase indicates that it's no longer what we do with media applications, but rather we send a message when we simply just use them. A lot of that message can be a positive aspect, like using a fitbit band sends a message that you like to be in shape. Nobody knows that you won it in a raffle at work, but hey if people want to see a positive message about you before hearing why you're wearing it then that's their problem. While others may have negative stereotypes associated with them as well, like using a dating app or site. It may send out a message that you're desperately trying to get married, when really your mom signed you up as a joke one day. People sometimes don't get to hear the message about why you're using an app, because they are thinking about the message that's attached to their perceptions of people using the apps. 

I could be totally off in my interpretation, but that's just how I viewed the message...or the medium...or the.. well you get the point.

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