Monday, March 23, 2015

App Review

I chose to review 2 of my favorite games to play, both on the iPad and in real life. I thought it was cool how easy and functional they made the apps.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Virtual Reality: Pros & Cons

Like I've mentioned before, I am looking at virtual reality for my "Best Device" project. Over spring break I was able to visit with my brother and look at the EON Reality office in Irvine, CA. It was so cool to see all of the technology and things that he is working with in order to prepare athletes for competition. Virtual Reality is something that can be very useful and helpful to us in our everyday lives. My brother uses it to prepare high school and college athletes for competition. They can see what kind of coverage they may be facing in a football game or what a pitcher's motion might look like first-hand. A real estate agent can "walk" people through dozens of homes without ever leaving their office. Or one can enjoy their favorite movie a little bit more by seeing it through one of the character's eyes. There are so many possibilities for application of virtual reality in the real world.

I don't want to just talk about the positives, because like all devices there are positives and negatives. I like the idea of seeing things as if I am actually there, but when I put those glasses on for a virtual reality experience I start to feel pretty nauseous. It is kind of embarrassing to admit, but just after a few seconds my head starts to throb a little and I feel as if vomit is on its way out. To virtual reality's defense, I get nauseous when I ride a kiddy roller coaster but this could be a big problem for them as I am not the only one who suffers from these feelings. It could impede someone from purchasing the technology simply because it makes them sick. Now I still like the experience it can provide, but I have to weigh the option of whether or not the virtual reality experience is worth the feelings of sickness I am left with afterwards.
